• Resolved danajoy


    Hi there, each time I try to set a default image for Display Featured Images I get an error “Sorry, your image is too small. The Default Featured Image must be changed to a valid, well sized image file.” This is the case even when the image is truly massive.

    This has happened with multiple Studiopress themes for Genesis.
    I’m utilizing a multi-site.
    Also using Smush plugin.
    Please advise.

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  • Plugin Author Robin Cornett


    Can you confirm your Media settings for medium and large images (under Settings > Media)? This plugin uses the “large” image size as the baseline for determining an acceptable minimum image size–you’ll see that reflected under the Default Image settings. For example, with the default WordPress setting of 1024 pixels for the “large” image size, the plugin will say:

    If you would like to use a default image for the featured image, upload it here. Must be at least 1025 pixels wide.

    If your “large” image size is set to a number larger than the images you are uploading, then you’ll see that error message. If you do not want to change that setting, you can override the plugin’s minimum image width by using the display_featured_image_genesis_set_minimum_backstretch_width filter.

    Thread Starter danajoy


    Hi Robin,
    Thanks so much for your help.

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