Hi Arno,
we could have done this job better and faster in German as I see…
`About telling what image someone wants: isn’t it enough to use the URL? For example:
Or the number of the image? Like “the image 73/121” on page xyz?`
I see your point. You do not see my family: most of them using the family homepage is old enough to click a button but far to old to change their used ways in a digital world. So sorry to tell you.
But the other point is more interesting for me:
I imagine even with titles you still have to look for the image in your library anyway.
No, this way would be far to long to go for me. Haven’t I told that there are more than 8.000 images, a lot of them from hundred(!) year old sources? If I get the list I do not need any web. With the image title I can locate them directly in my archive. And there I export into the wanted image format and size.
Sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. I just asked because I am >70 and do not find everytthing in a second; just though I overlooked the options.
Lightbox with PhotoSwipe is a very nice plugin. But nobody can do the job in the right way for everybody. ??
Have a nice day, Arno!
Kind regards