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  • Hi vitamineg !!

    The wp-cycle plugin does not support this reordering facility.. I just tried what you’re looking for..And i just succeed in it.. all you need to do is to add some codes in your wp-cycle.php file in the plugin directory.

    I will be happy to assist you.. But let me first know if you have already got this issue resolved ?

    Moderator cubecolour


    Gyan, if you can post your solution, it would help anyone else who is looking for this and arrives here when searching.

    Ok.. There’s my take on this one.

    To do so I have added one field namely “order” in the image data..
    find this code in wp-cycle.php in the plugin directory..

    $wp_cycle_images[$time] = array(
    		'id' => $time,
    		'file' => $file,
    		'file_url' => $url,
    		'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
    		'thumbnail_url' => $thumbnail_url,
    		'image_links_to' => ''

    and add here another line ‘Order’ => ” so that it become like ..

    $wp_cycle_images[$time] = array(
    		'id' => $time,
    		'file' => $file,
    		'file_url' => $url,
    		'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
    		'thumbnail_url' => $thumbnail_url,
    		'image_links_to' => '',
    		'Order' => ''

    then we need to make it appear in the admin section .. so find the <thead> and <tfoot> section here..
    and in the <tr> section of both of these <thead> and <tfoot> add a line
    <th scope=”col”>Order</th> this will make it appear in the settings page.
    Just below that </tbody> section you will find a form like <form method=”post” action=”options.php”>
    now in this form add a <td> like

    <td><input type="text" name="wp_cycle_images[<?php echo $image; ?>][order]" value="<?php echo $data['order']; ?>" size="35" /></td>

    this .

    Next we need to store this order value . therefore find a function there function wp_cycle_images_validate($input) {
    add this code below the last line of the function.

    $input[$key][‘order’] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($value[‘order’]);

    Now finally we need to modify the wp_cycle() function to our needs. So add some codes just below this(echo ‘<div id=”‘.$wp_cycle_settings[‘div’].'”>’.$newline; ) line in wp_cycle($args = array(), $content = null) function.

    $sortArray = array();
    	foreach($wp_cycle_images as $imgs){
        foreach($imgs as $key=>$value){
                $sortArray[$key] = array();
            $sortArray[$key][] = $value;
    $orderby = "order";

    thats it. It worked for me. Let me know if it helps. and sorry for my bad English.

    Moderator cubecolour


    Thanks Gyan, looks like a good solution.

    Really ?? Welcome . ??

    it would be great if it helps someone.

    Great Stuff Gyan! This makes a good plugin a much better one!

    Thread Starter vitamineg


    Thanks Gyan. ??

    Thanks Rusty ! ??
    your’e welcome vitamineg. have you tried the solution ?

    Thread Starter vitamineg


    Yes, I just implemented the code Gyan. Brilliant. Thank you kind Sir.


    Nice.. Please mark it resolved

    Thread Starter vitamineg



    Any way that the plug in can be updated to include this code?

    That’s the best way I could have helped mate. You need any further assistance you can contact me for custom work here.

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