• Hi,

    I installed this plugin yesterday and i am happy the way it made my website load faster with images. I am a photographer, and I have lot of high quality images to showcase.

    But, the image quality has a difference. I have seen that the before and after image quality changed. I am attaching an example of an image from my homepage that changed after the plugin optimized the images.

    Image Before Optimization:
    Image After Optimization:
    After Optimization

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by kuul13.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by kuul13.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • What kind of compression level did you use?

    Thread Starter kuul13


    Whatever was the default, i think 92? As I said, i have lot of high res pics to sell.

    Plugin Contributor reSmush.it


    Hi @kuul13,

    I’m very surprised of you result as it seems your pictures has been cropped and a saturation effect has been performed, which is absolutely not a process managed by our API.

    I’ve tried to reoptimize your original picture https://api.resmush.it/ws.php?img=https://i.imgur.com/fdP8ZR3.png and it went well, without any visual difference.

    Don’t you have another plugin installed on your WP website, which can alter pictures ?

    Another advice, for landscapes/real photographies, you should use .JPG instead of .PNG. With a good quality level you should not see any difference, but file size will be far better in JPG.


    Thread Starter kuul13


    No, I have no other image optimizer plugin installed on my wordpress site. I had all my original pictures uploaded in jpg and not png. And the image in question was showing up perfect until i installed resmush and optimized it.

    What do you suggest? Should i delete my picture and upload again to see what does it do? I am worried, if it does for other pictures as well?

    I always upload a high resolution jpg to my website.

    Not sure if its still true in WP5 but WordPress itself compresses images (at least JPG).

    That what might be happening before image is sent to reSmush.it.

    Plugin Contributor reSmush.it


    Hi @kuul13,

    As I said, reSmush.it is not able to crop or modify the colors/saturation of pictures, as it’s not implemented in the API.
    However, the only idea I have about your issue, is that, when the WP plugin optimizes pictures, it will regenerate all your thumbnails. I won’t be surprised if you apply picture operations, that can alter your pictures. Have a look at /wp-admin/options-media.php, maybe you’ll find something ?

    Keep us in touch,

    Plugin Contributor reSmush.it


    Hi @kuul13,

    With no feedback from your side, we will close this thread in the next few days. Feel free to provide us more informations !


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