• Hey everyone. I’m new to using WordPress and really anything having to do with the web. Because of this, I’m having some trouble getting images to work right on my site.
    If I create a new post, click on the img button, put in the path to the image, it doesn’t come up. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Is there a different way? I know that somehow images are working because my stylesheet is able to use them, but I’m not.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. WordPress has made it very easy to establish a web presence and I can’t wait to be able to use its full functionality.

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  • I would guess that you are providing the wrong path to the images. How about you put up a post with an image for us to look at? Then post the path you used for that here, and perhaps we can make some recommendations after getting more information.

    Thread Starter wideheavyload


    Ok, I put up a test post. Don’t laugh if it’s something stupid. The path I used was https://www.chrisdriggers.com/httpdocs/images/bubba.jpg. I’ve used other paths to no avail. Thanks for the help!

    I get a 404 Not Found error using your path as described above.
    Where have you stored the image file relative to your folder where WP is living?
    I would recommend putting your images in your wp-content folder. I go one step further and use wp-content/images/.
    Then your image link would be something like this:
    Having your images in the wp-content folder is highly recommended because that folder is not changed by WP ugrades. It is designed to be the holding place for all of your site content.

    Shouldn’t there also be a https:// before the www and stuff?

    Hey, Kaf…great catch! ??
    Kaf makes an extremely valuable point with the case sensitivity thing. I always use lower-case when naming files then I don’t get myself into trouble. And, as Kaf pointed out, many servers see Filename.ext and filename.ext as two totally different files.

    Is a 403 error forbidden access page, which means that a directory of the name “images” lives there ??
    neither of them work with the above URL … so you’re file might be named wrong, or you have another IMAGES folder you are trying to use.
    httpdocs is in your URL posted earlier, but that is a 404 not found error, so it’s not part of your URL, just might be part of your path-to-“images”.
    Anything viewable on the web needs to be in your htdocs, or however it’s called on your server setup.
    To call up an image you can just use relative paths:
    would work on a directory installed in the same directory as your index.php, most likely.
    so if your WP install and Index.php are in the root of your site, then /images/ would be a directory folder inside right there, with your images in that folder.
    If you have the path to the image.jpg right, either:
    with the image.jpg name on the end would work with the ‘<img>’ tag.
    ‘<img src=”https://www.chrisdriggers.com/images/image.jpg&#8221; border=”0″ alt=”Name of Photo Here” title=”Title Here”>’
    ‘<img src=”/images/image.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Name of Photo Here” title=”Title Here”>’
    or maybe you need to give a root relative path of:
    ‘<img src=”./images/image.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Name of Photo Here” title=”Title Here”>’
    ‘<img src=”/./images/image.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Name of Photo Here” title=”Title Here”>’
    One of the above should work, as long as you have an image in that place with the exact name as you are putting in the img tag.
    Sleuthing for you done though. The correct place you have your picture is wp-images.
    Also, you have CAPS on for the .jpg part of the image name, which can be confusing when typing out info, especially when your server is sensitive to cases, as is your server.
    bubba.jpg doesn’t work
    but bubba.JPG is right.
    How do I know this? Check out …
    Nice kitty!
    I sleuthed it out by viewing your background image, since your source code showed nothing for the pic you DO have on your left side “banner”.
    Glad to have helped!

    Thread Starter wideheavyload


    So it was a case sensitivity problem. Thanks you guys. I’m going to re-read this post a few times, learn from it, and move on to the next learning opportunity. Thanks again!

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