Could you let me know what happens when you try to upload that same image by going to Media > Upload in your dashboard? Are you able to upload the image there?
If you experience issues in the dashboard as well, it is most likely because your hosting provider limits the size of the images you can upload. You may be able to fix things by following the instructions here:
If you can upload images properly there, it means that the image gets blocked somewhere else. This may happen if you use a security service, or if your host has a security rule in place that will block specific XML-RPC requests (that’s what Jetpack uses to post to your site remotely), perhaps requests above a certain size.
Could you contact your hosting provider about this, and ask them to check access logs around the time when you sent the email? They should see an incoming request to this file, and they’ll be able to see what the response was for that query. If it was anything other than 200, they should be able to help you understand what went wrong.
Let me know how it goes.