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  • If your theme does not have a custom CSS option, use a CSS plugin like Jetpack or Custom CSS Manager and copy & paste in these rules:

    .page-id-39 #content .clearfix {
    	top: 0;
    	right: 0;
    	position: absolute;
    @media screen and (max-width: 760px) {
       .page-id-39 #content .clearfix {
    	   top: auto;
    	   right: auto;
    	   position: relative;

    The first rule will move the image to the right, the second rule is a media query which will move the image back to the bottom on mobile screen widths.

    Thanks for jumping in and helping out CrouchingBruin. I would be careful modifying the .clearfix element, though. It’s commonly used as a general utility to manage layout issues and changing it might have unintended consequences.

    Instead, I’d recommend you try out Grid Columns. It lets you use a shortcode to generate columns in your page content, so that you can decide how wide or thin to make each bit of content.

    I would be careful modifying the .clearfix element, though. It’s commonly used as a general utility to manage layout issues and changing it might have unintended consequences

    That’s why I tried to make the selector as specific as possible, including even the page ID so that it would only affect that particular page and not any others. The problem with the theme that the OP is using is that it doesn’t include enough classes or IDs in its various elements. But good tip on Grid Columns, I’ll have to take a look at it.

    Thread Starter eneada


    Thank you very much but i can′t make it work ??

    I tried with the ” Grid Columns Media Button ” plugin, because ” grid columns ” not tested with my version of WordPress.
    I have also tried with “Column Shortcodes ” but it is always the same : the reservation form its output before or after my columns , but never in it.

    An alternative?

    Maybe we could choose in settings, booking page and, row and column? that previously we made on that page

    Hi eneada,

    There are no “rows” or “columns” native to WordPress. If you are placing content into rows and columns on your site, that’s unique to your theme or a feature added by a plugin you’re using.

    I’d recommend you give Grid Columns a shot (it will be safe with your version of WordPress — it’s built by a leading export on WordPress themes). Then try adding the booking form with a shortcode directly to the page content, into the grids however you’d like. The shortcode is:

    Thread Starter eneada


    Hi NateWr,

    It′s more easy that i never think! ??
    Only with shortcode and layout constructor native to my theme. You could see now is working perfectly:

    Thank you very much!!

    P.D. Maybe you like know that email from “Reply-To Email Address” not work. Only send emails from “setting-general-mail address”

    Thank you again!!

    Hi eneada,

    Glad you were able to get it working.

    There are lots of things which can effect whether or not an email client accepts and makes use of the Reply-To email address. Sometimes it can be your email server config (if it doesn’t allow sending from addresses not registered with the server) or certain characters in the name can cause problems (characters often found in non-English languages). I’m aware of the latter problem and working on a solution.

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