• I’m having trouble with WordPress. I have it installed to the latest version however I can’t upload images. I tried the (Image Upload HTTP Error Fix) plugin but it won’t completely install. it says that my .htaccess file isn’t writeable although I’ve changed it to writeable. The .htacess file is in the root directory and my provider having looked at it says that Wrodpress is looking for it in the ‘blog’ folder. So I copied it there, but it still won’t work. In other words I still can’ upload images.

    any help?


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  • Please answer the following and i’ll do what i can to help..

    1. Where is WordPress installed, in the root or a subfolder?
    2. Where is the htaccess currently placed and what is the content of that file currently?
    3. What is the upload path, under Admin > Settings > Misc , currently set to?, and do you have the option below that set to anything?


    Check with these options:

    – Assign 755 recursive permissions to wp-content directory of your blog.
    – Make sure that you have set proper path for upload from wordpress admin area.
    – Disable all the plugins
    – Add this code in htaccess:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off


    Shane G.

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