• I’d like to surround each individual entry with image headers and footers, but I’m stuck as to how to code it in my css.

    I already have a .header and .footer in my CSS, but they’re either not showing up or cropped.

    Any help is appreciated. ??

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  • The biggest help I can give you is that you posted in the wrong subforum.

    OnSeduction – if you can’t be of help to the poster, please don’t post anything at all. You’re bumping the thread and making people think that the original poster is being helped, when you’re being useless.


    https://www.unknown-entity.org/users/alias/ – is this the site you’re looking to do this on? if not, please post a link to where we can see what you’ve tried to do…

    Instead of noone giving an answer I pointed him in the right direction of where to get one. IMO that is a polite thing to do. Better than being of no help to 2 people and bumping the post also.

    I did help – and am seeking more information from the original poster. You know perfectly well how threads show up in the support forum and that people do search for “no replies” threads to help people.

    You’ve done this very same thing elsewhere at least 4 or 5 times today – if you want to help them, help them all the way. But encouraging them to repost their problem will not help anyone.

    Please, since you have nothing to offer the original poster, do not post back unless you can help them. I’m not here to argue with you – I’m here to help.

    You haven’t helped in any way yet. The only thing that helps is pointing to the place where he actually might get help if you see noone comes up with an answer. Some people only watch certain subforums to help. Btw, I’ve only done this with one other post, not 4/5. And at least someone is now looking at the problem, isn’t it?

    Also stop acting like a moderator. You are not here to tell me what to do.

    Do not post back unless you can help them. I’m not here to argue with you – I’m here to help.

    Annnnnnd… back to the original topic – assuming you haven’t scared off the original poster by now.

    rach3ldr3w – i’ll ask again, https://www.unknown-entity.org/users/alias/ – is this the site you’re looking to do this on? if not, please post a link to where we can see what you’ve tried to do… i cannot see any examples of what you’re talking about on the site linked above, and apparently unlike others, i have the knowledge to help you if i can see where you’re at.

    It is you who started this polemic. I can’t imagine scaring someone off when pointing to the right place. Please, next time when you find a answer like mine and you have a different opinion, ignore it and don’t cause an unnecessary polemic. I was trying to do good. I assume you are here to do the same. Hope you can help the original poster… too.

    Please, focus on the OP’s question. It is hard enough in itself (almost impossible), so no need to complicate the thread by personal attacks.

    If a mod thinks the topic is in the wrong forum – they can move it by one single click. Don’t bother….
    Yes, most helpers go first to the unanswered view.
    Yes, both of you should stop acting as a moderator ??

    to the OP: yes, give more details.

    Now we can move on.

    Thread Starter rach3ldr3w


    I’m sorry.. I’ve been busy a few days and haven’t had the chance to respond.

    I’m actually trying to work on this site https://rachel.at0mica.net

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  • The topic ‘Image Headers and footers for entries’ is closed to new replies.