• Resolved auelsg


    I am having this error ever since i updated into 3.0.1.

    “image.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
    Unable to create directory /home/roborobo/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/upload/2010/10. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Can anyone help? I tried editing the htaccess file but I just crash my website. Hope someone can help.

    Thank you.

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  • I have the same problem sinds i’ve installed wordpress 3.0.1
    Contact my host, Didn’t knew the answer either.

    So anybody know the answer to this problem??

    I fixed this same issue with my wordpress when I changed the default media settings.

    Go to your dashboard, down to “Settings” and choose “media” and change the “Store uploads in this folder” to “wp-content/uploads” .. that solved everything for me. I think it has something to do with my Dreamhost server settings that have recently changed.

    Hope this helps,
    ~ Robby

    I know this might be slightly old but I think it is still relevant. I actually had to delete the folder named ‘uploads’ and create a new one of the same name. Have no idea why this work but it did for me so I hope this helps somewhat.


    what is strange is a particular detail of the error message, can anyone confirm the same has happened to him?
    My error message has a strange // (double slash) dir name just before wp-content/uploads
    whl.mysite.xxx/nt/blog//wp-content/uploads/2011 (I’m hosted on WH4L)

    I’m an informatic but I do not have sufficient culture on server of this kind, yet I guess that a double slash is not a permitter path.
    Does anyone know how to correct it in the code? because I guess that the problem reside there!


    Sorry, the previous post is some unusefull for peoples outside WH4L

    now, I followed the suggestion shown in the two last posts before mine and I fixed it.
    There was a config error in the default dir in Webhost4life site builder, with the relevant dir name carrying the double slash
    the former dir was:

    I changed into

    now is OK

    thank to bobair and JonFB

    Having just updated to 3.0.2 and experiencing all sorts of grief with my host not supporting auto updates, backups and restores (that their CP says it does [see my other posts]), I managed to get all back to working and then found I had the same issue as mentioned in this thread. i.e. The upload function of WP media gallery no longer worked.

    I got the same message as stated in the 1st thread of this post, albeit with my own directory path(s) etc.

    I have just tried James’ permissions fix and made ‘/uploads’ 777, plus all sub-directories.

    This worked fine. However, I’m a bit concerned at having this directory and it’s subdirectories world editable!

    Should I be? Can this be fixed another way?
    It didn’t have to be done for my initial install of WP!
    Is there a php file or something that has had it’s access to /uploads removed so that it can no longer write to this directory?

    That would seem to make sense as there was no issue previously.

    Curious for any suggestions. Tnks,

    I guess that the changes you had to make became relevanto to new medias only. The previous ones should be remained the position they had before your update.
    So be quiet and try to discover what happened in your dirs through a File Manager or so

    Can you expand a little? I used the host’s File Manager, in my control panel to 777 the /uploads dir but this wasn’t needed before I u/graded to 3.0.2, before that, they were 755! So what has changed? There must be a back end php or something that the upload media utility uses and this has lost ownership/access to /uploads… that’s my guess anyway.

    What do you mean by “be quiet and try to discover what happened in your dirs through a File Manager”

    (btw: my son’s name is Lucas ??

    I had the same issue… i fixed this creating another folder inside the directory “uploads”

    Using FTP creating a folder inside “uploads” folder, not create a folder named 2011 or 2010… i tried this, but don’t work for me… place anything, such as “media”

    then i changed the “Store uploads in this folder” to “wp-content/uploads/media”

    and works!

    I’m sorry but my host doesn’t permit me to see the permissions, it manages them in a transparent way to me!
    For me it was just an error of dirName. As soon as I changed it I solved all my problems. I don’t think it should change the permissions. try to follow vane suggestion in some instance it has done s a similar thing I’ve done
    Happy you have choosen the right name for your son! ??



    In case this helps anyone, I was getting the same error and finally figured out that I had exceeded my quota for hosting and there was no more free disk space. Hope this helps someone.

    Check with your host and find out what version of php you are using…. for me php5 gave issues but php4 works fine.

    Thank you bobair!

    Very simple and that worked perfectly for me.

    ive the same problem but I changed what u said and doesnt work
    still the same :
    Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/Kaniuta.com/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/media/2011/08. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

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