• andemad


    Hi group,

    I’ve toyed a bit with WP1.2 and now installed 1.5 – I won’t look back, that’s for sure!

    Anyway, I’ve got approx. 3.000 images taken with mobile phones and digital cameras. I’d like to integrate those images/albums into WP1.5 somehow – it needs to show multiple thumbnails, give the possibility to move to (->next) and (<-prev) image and a bit more – nothing fancy.

    What do you guys use? Are there any plugins available? Or should I integrate it otherwise, and create a seperate page for it?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • distortedstar


    I’ve been having some trouble with ipap…seems like something is broken. Clicking on thumbnails just brings me back to the album index. Observe: https://distortedstar.com/photo-gallery/

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    I think it has to do with editing the .htaccess file. I must be doing something wrong.



    I have been able to get mg2 (the latest version of minigal https://www.minigal.dk/) integrated into WordPress 1.5 and I will be writting a little tutorial to submit to that site… It is fairly painless, check it out and let me know what you think… https://chrispayne.homeip.net/photos/



    Is it accessible from the wp-admin?



    Unfortunately no, the image gallery mg2 comes with its own full featured webbased admin interface

    For the curious, here are some of its features (from the website):

    It supports multiple image upload & FTP image upload, automatic thumbnail generation, image rotating feature, template and skin support, displays EXIF image information, supports image titles, descriptions and user comments, works in PHP safe mode, and is XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS valid.

    And no, I don’t work for the company, I am just a happy user now that I have been able to get it integrated into WP with my exif info displaying the way I wanted…



    hey chris, please tell us how u have integrated ur album into your site. i really like it. it’s pretty.



    I use Simple PHP Gallery. It is easily integrated into WP – in fact it has step by step instructions on how to do just that. SPG can be found at: https://relativelyabsolute.com/spg/download.php

    There’s even a “WordPress version” ready to be integrated.



    I started out using minigal – version b13 – it was a pretty good program, one that I thought I would end up using on my website. In the b13 version, you were able to upload your photos to the server and then save them in different folders. It was a cool program. In the newer version – minigal2 – the developer changed the program and now all photos must be uploaded to one folder only. Having to store 3000 photos in one directory folder sucks. So did some of the developers answers in his forum when he was questioned about that change.

    Simple PHP Gallery is a great little program except that, if I recall, you cannot spread thumbnails across several pages. If you have 100 photos in an album, then all 100 thumbnails are displayed on the same page. If the ability to spread thumbnails across pages was added to that program in the future, then I would use it in a heartbeat.

    I am currently using Coppermine – impossible to integrate – but faily easy to get it to mimic your existing website layout. But the program is certainly overkill – more features than I need – but it had most the features that I wanted. However, their support staff in their support forum has a couple jerks who enjoy degrading people more than they do helping them.

    Creating a photo gallery looks like something that the greater majority of wordpress users want to do – and it also appears that a large majority of them are not totally happy with the solution they are using for their gallery – so it would make sense in the future to spend some time developing a feature in wordpress that you allow you to do just that. The developers were able to introduce the page feature in 1.5 and did a fine job – why not have a built in galery feature as well. WordPress would then be greater than it already is.




    I now have a tutorial on my site (mg2 will also be hosting it) about how to do it. It should be fairly straightforward to follow and hopefully there isn’t too many errors…





    I’m interested in IPAP, it’s really a simple and useful gallery just as what I want! But I just don’t know how to integrate it with wordpress flawlessly as your site (with a page link “?photos=1” instead of “/photos/”), and where did you add the code “if ($_GET[‘photos’]) { include ipap stuff; } else { do the regular wordpress stuff }” in the index.php exactly? Would you please write a tutorial in detail?

    Thanks in advance!



    Absolutely agree with this. Its been frustrating the hell out of me because there is no good answer/solution. WP comes from the blog/CMS tradition which is concerned with text. But PICTURES and PHOTOS are fudamental to what people do on the web!!



    Hi There,

    My gallery plugin is only for wordpress, at the moment im building in som rather large changes into my gallery to make it very much integratable into posts and pages…

    Here you can see an implementation by a user

    What are the main features you guys look for in a gallery implementation?

    You can download it from here if you want to try it out

    Its mainly a gallery but i have thought about having an option when uploading new pictures into the gallery to automaticly post a draft (maybe even publish) a post with the picture into it…

    What i want is:

    – Simple
    – Drag and drop plug in
    – Fully integrated in WP admin
    – Thumbnails in the post
    1. Thumbnail size, full image size (scaled or not)
    2. Clicking on the thumb should result in the full (or scaled image) show up as an single post.


    2.1 Clicking on the thumb should result in the full (or scaled image) show up as an popup. (the none standard way).

    No thrills. No glitter and glamour. Barebone. No disco.
    That’s what i want.




    – the ability to upload photos to various different folders (it would also be better if the folders could reside “outside” of the main photo gallery directory.



    Comments for photos inside the gallery would be nice. I don’t mean a separate post in/on the blog, I mean a brief comment line under the large-size photo view, like some other galleries. ??

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