Image description not showing in preview – code is OK
Hello I am having a problem all the sudden which appeared out of nowhere.
When I use the caption code, now the image description is not shown anymore when I press the preview button inside the editor. The Code is completely OK:[caption id="attachment_2812" align="aligncenter" width="825"]<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-2812" src="" alt="" width="825" height="533" /></a> Andreas N* mutiger Familienvater half mit die dreisten Sexferkel zu stellen. Foto: Privat[/caption]
Also strange is, that if I use any other older image within the media library and insert it to the same post, the caption works, but only for that older file. The other newer files still do not show the propper Image description.
What am I to do?
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