Instead of an image, you could force an element to display a border around your post or page, depending on which way you elect to go. It’s quicker, cleaner, and adds less weight to your page on user load.
In your existing template, do you have an element that “holds” your page together? Maybe #wrap? #container? These elements generally fall directly after the <body> element.
<div id=”wrap”>
<div class=”content”>
<h2>title of post</h2>
<div class=”post”>
blah blah blah
</div><!–closes the post–>
</div><!–closes the content–>
</div><!–closes wrap–>
</body><!–closes body–>
</html><!–closes html–>
You could add a border to either your “wrap” or “post”, adjusting the padding and margins where necessary. There are many border variables: dashed, double, dotted, thick, thin, (although some won’t display correctly in some browsers).
#wrap {
border-top:10px solid black;
border-bottom:10px solid black;
border-left:10px solid black;
border-right:10px solid black;
You could convert the above into shorthand:
.post {
border:1px dashed pink;
Whatever size you specify, you have to consider browser compatibility and the reduced “space” the border takes up, and adjust other elements accordingly.
If you wanted specifically an image border, you can assign your containing element an image, paying particular attention to the width and height. You may have to adjust the height variable to accommodate your increasing post/page size.
Note: images rely on height and width specifics to generally work and be displayed correctly. Unfortunately, its all trial and error to get them to display right, which of course is half the fun of designing your site ??
Googling will give you literally tons of tutorials on inserting an image border around your page.
The best site I know for learning html and a bunch of other important design aspects is Manadrin Design. It’s all, mostly, copy and paste and great reads.
As to displaying the border only on your home page, there are so many ways you can do this, depending on which way you’re designing and managing your site. Check out the codex files on creating a default home page and/or templates.
Creating Pages:
This is just my 2.5cents worth. I daresay others in this forum may have better and cleaner ideas.