• downpour


    I am doing an ‘about us’ page for our band site. I want small pictures of each band member, then beside the picture a brief bio. For some people, the bio is shorter than the height of the picture, and I can’t seem to get it to leave space, and start the next picture and bio underneath, rather than beside. (hard to explain, it’s at https://downpourgp.com/?page_id=3)

    I’m sure it’s something simple that I’m missing, I’m just starting out with WP.

    Thank you!

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  • nanyate


    You can use tables to do that. That’s a link to a tutorial below:




    Bad advice.
    Only lame designers/coders do that…

    Read the documentation: Wrapping_Text_Around_Images
    (nanyate, you too, especially section #3!)



    I disagree. If tables are not used for layouting, it’s okay. Besides, he’s not asking for image wrapping. He’s asking for two floating divs, which is not an easy task for someone who doesn’t know how to code.

    I’m not big fan of the clear property. It screws up in IE and since I don’t own a PC, I can’t quite fix it.

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