• I was given the job at of maintaining our companies website. While I’ve had some experience with HTML, like your basic myspace codes(LOL), I’ve never seen anything in my life like WordPress. I’ve gone through hours of trouble just to get text looking right. I’ve learned so much, but I’m still SO far from even understanding how a WordPress website works.

    Most of the stuff I add to our website is stuff from Microsoft Frontpage, I just add what I want there and steal the coding and then wish for the best when I put it in our wordpress site.

    Guys, I’m soooooo lost and I have no clue where to start. I get confused when I see the words MySQL, CSS, PHP, and all that stuff. I don’t want to even learn that stuff it’s so nuts. I don’t even get the structure of it all. ALL I want to do is change a few things around on our website like the main theme logo but I have absolutely no clue how to even begin to access those files. I’ve downloaded wordpress and all I get is confusing files.

    Let me first say we hired a guy to do the site. Then we got sick of waiting for him to change basic things. So my boss asked me to do it. All I want to do is change the main theme/logo picture on our site. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? *shivers in fear*

    Thanks in advance, I’ll be checking in with you all soon.

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  • just post your contact info and say the magic words

    Thread Starter 774962

    [email protected]

    Magic words?

    Thread Starter 774962



    you should begin in css – style.css – where the link to image is stored. in theme there is folder
    where images are stored. replace image with the one you want to see, and then open style.css
    or whatever the file is called – it’s just important that it’s extension is .css. and replace link to image you changed.

    if you need something else, just ask. wouldn’t hurt to place link to blog.

    Thread Starter 774962


    Thanks for the reply. Where is this folder that stores the pictures? I’ve never seen it, and trust me I’ve looked. This is what it says.

    Theme Name: PURSOL 2007
    Theme URI: https://www.pursolsolar.com
    Description: WordPress theme for PURSOL 2007
    Version: 1.6
    Author: Ashton Taylor
    Author URI: https://digitalmudstudio.com/

    /* WordPress Development CSS
    /* Zero down all elements */

    * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    body {
    font: 62.5%/1.6 Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
    background: #F59A18 url(images/bg.jpg) center top no-repeat;


    Thread Starter 774962

    The guy who did our site wrote:

    “All of this theme’s files are located in wp-content/themes/pursol.”

    I have no clue where this is.

    How on earth did you get the job of maintaining the website, hon? You need to start with some light reading – google ftp tutorials for one, and learn about URLs and URL paths.

    You can also access the theme’s files through the admin panel, but I would not advise that at this point.

    You can learn everything you need to know about WordPress in the codex – REALLY. Some of the information is outdated, but the important stuff, what you need to know, is not.

    Good luck!

    Edited to add:


    Thread Starter 774962

    Hi Rose, I pretty much understand the basics. I just can’t locate files. I have the URL of the pic, but I’m missing something as to how to access it.

    Here it is: https://pursolsolar.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/pursol/images/logo.gif

    I can’t find it!!! It’s not where all the pictures I put up on the site are. That’s all I need to change.

    Thread Starter 774962

    When I said I understand the basics, I really don’t ??

    What I meant was I understand URL’s and paths. I’m in desperate need to change this stuff please help!

    [email protected]

    oxymoron = “Hi Rose, I pretty much understand the basics. I just can’t locate files.” LOL

    Are you using an ftp program like cuteFTP? Do you know your way around CPanel? You need to. THEN you will see your images folder and it will be in the wp – content folder which is in the template folder.

    Css is your friend. Learn it.

    If you are using firefox, download the webdeveloper plugin. It is an indispensable tool for “moving stuff around” and making color and font tweaks, etc

    Thread Starter 774962

    I addressed your oxymoron in my next post friend ??

    What is a cuteFTP? All I do is go to our website and log in to it. The I see wordpress, then I mess around in there.

    I’m telling you, the files are no where to be seen! That is why I need your help!

    Thread Starter 774962

    If you are using firefox, download the webdeveloper plugin.

    I search the plugin database for this and found nothing. Where could I get it?

    I don’t want to even learn that stuff it’s so nuts.

    Hmmm… Then give the job back and tell them to hire a pro.

    Thread Starter 774962

    No need for hostility moderator. Just looking for help. Cheer up dude!

    I don’t think moshu is being hostile, only realistic. If you don’t want to learn what’s necessary to use WordPress (and it’s not rocket science!) then you should tell your boss you can’t, or won’t, hack it. If you do want to learn, then you need to put away the FrontPage (which is a P.O.S. anyway), forget MySpace “codes” and take the very good advice that you’re being given. Check out the codex – that’s a great place to start.

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