Hi @mrkawaii,
Sorry to hear you are having issues with Stripe!
Unnecessary loading times on product and checkout page due to long and convoluted Stripe.js code elements (I’m not sure what’s causing the load times to be so long, but others have apparently pointed this out that Stripe.js elements are causing this issue)
Testing on testing sites do not show long load times regarding the Checkout pages, even accounting for customizable plugins like One Page Checkout. When something updates and issues start occurring, it is possible it is conflicting with a different plugin or the theme itself. This is especially true if the theme has custom template overrides to the Checkout page itself as well as any checkout specific plugins. I would recommend a staging site with a conflict test. You can read more about plugin and theme conflicts here:
The best way to determine if the issue is being caused by a theme and/or plugin is to do the following:
1. Temporarily switch your theme to the Storefront or Twenty Twenty Theme.
2. Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce and Stripe.
3. Test to see if the issue has been resolved.
If that resolves the issue, then one-by-one you can switch back your theme and re-enable your plugins, testing in between, until you find the one causing the conflict.
As mentioned we do *highly* recommend a staging site for these tests so that your Live site is unaffected. A staging site is a clone or copy of the Live site, used for testing. You can reach out to your Host if you need to have a staging site set up, as they usually can assist you with this.
Stripe credit card icons missing – I don’t know why this was removed. Payment processors require that card icons be displayed to show which cards are accepted. Instead of removing the icons altogether, why not just give users the option to select which card icon they want to display?
In version 5.6.0 they tweaked it to show animated icons, however this clashed with the aforementioned template overrides and other plugins so in 5.6.2 it was removed. More on this can be seen in the Changelog.
5.7.0 did not do anything to the icons, so if they are disappearing from it please do the conflict test to see if they show, as the static ones should be showing – we even have custom code on how to alter them here.
To be honest, I think the latest plugin updates are a big mess and causing alot of frustration. Why update the plugin with all these unnecessary updates when it was working fine previously?
Again we are sorry you feel this way, perhaps it would be good to have a staging site on the side which you can then safely update things – it would not affect the Live site and you can see what changes so you can better prepare the Live site for that update.