I’m no longer super-admin. What happened?
I installed the plugin change-admin-username and changed my name from being admin. I also tried what this website suggested, https://www.phidevinc.com/tech-tips/changing-conceailing-and-securing-wp-admin What the website suggested didn’t work so I deleted the code it told me to enter. When I went back to my admin panel it looked like this <img src=”https://i66.servimg.com/u/f66/13/96/66/82/th/wordpr10.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Image hosted by servimg.com” /> I now have no super-admin, no buddypress panel, and can’t perform various things. My website must still be running with wpmu enabled because buddypress is not listed in the plugins menu. That’s a network plugin and the network plugins don’t show anymore under plugins. When I look up my username it has me listed as admin, not super-admin. How do I get my super-admin status back and all of my features?
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