Hi I really appreciate your response, For the meantime let’s forget about GPL or whatever license and what they do, limitations, terms, conditions, etc. What I really want to know is, from the very start, How would I prove that the theme is mine and not from somebody else. How would I prove that the theme is originally released as GPL or CC attribution?
You replied earlier that some text line saying “this theme is released under GPL 2.0 or greater” may be lacking, If I add that in my theme, then you already have your works licensed right? Again its only a text file, If somebody (bad guys) edits that texts and redistribute it under a license which is very opposite to the original, Then I found out about it, Again, How would I prove that the theme is released under a particular license?
Dig me here, How could you be protected by these licenses which could only be determined when you typed it and again as i’m saying is only a TEXT which could be EDITED?
What are your proofs that the theme is yours? Like in the real world, you got to sign contracts, deeds of sale, or anything that proves some sort of agreements. Like if a theme is released under CC Atribution, which often times means I have to give credit to the original author, What if I don’t and claim its mine? And he finds out, How would I get punished for that crime? I’d say to him, “Hey! What’s your proof that it’s yours!?
This is not just about themes im talking about. It’s all about the works (software, logos, icons, etc.) somebody released in the WWW.
WHOWW! that’s long!