• Hello,

    When our site switches from http to https, all browsers are giving a warning saying the site is not secure. When I turn off the iiRe plugin the warning does not come up. I can’t show you the site because I have had to deactive the plugin but here is a sample of the source code:

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='iire-social-widget-styles-css' href='https://www.napalicatamaran.com/wp-content/plugins/iire-social-icons/includes/iire_social_widget_styles.php?weff&wresp=0&cache=0&w=225&h=225&a=left&o=horizontal&p&m&wbk=0&wbgc=FFFFFF&wbrc&wbrs&theme=default&sz=64&sp=10&ds=1&dshz=3&dsvt=3&dsblur=8&dscolor=AAAAAA&rc=1&rctl=4&rctr=4&rcbl=4&rcbr=4&op=100&bgc=0&bup=AAFF00&bov=FFFF00&pluginurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.napalicatamaran.com%2Fwp-content%2Fplugins%2Fiire-social-icons%2F&ver=4.2.2' type='text/css' media='all'/>

    Can you help me to understand how to resolve this? WordPress is up to date and we are using Version 1.6.2 if the iiRe plugin.



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  • Thread Starter nvw


    Just realized this was reported earlier. If there is no fix for this then we need to find another solution. Could the developer please let me know?

    Plugin Author srussell13


    At the moment, I have not been able to find a work-around for an https site…

    The parameters (like your code sample above) for the icons are passed from the Widget Designer as a regular PHP file to generate the CSS and display the icons.

    If anyone has a suggestion on how to resolve this, I’d be happy to hear it!

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