• Resolved chanel


    I’ve noticed the past few weeks, a lot of topics are going ignored and/or unanswered. I understand the moderators are volunteers and are not bind by contract to reply to every topic. However, it becomes very frustrating to “bump” a topic every few days or so (sometimes every few hours) and not one person can give some form of insight on the issue at hand.

    Is it because we’re going a recession or something? Am I missing something here? Correct me if I’m wrong because i would LOVE to know the reason for this.

    Anyone knows of another WordPress Support site that people like myself who are having issues for weeks at a time can go to seek help, other than here?

    In my opinion, being redirected to WordPress Codex, Google or getting ignored simply doesn’t cut it. The last 5 topics I posted, were resolved by an outside source (who is not available to help me anymore).

    PS – I’m quite sure people are going to reply with “Maybe it’s because no one knows the answer.” -_-

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  • Hello, there. Even though almost a year has gone by since the last reply to this thread, it still caught my attention because I’m having similar issues to the ones the OP was having at the time: my threads don’t usually get answered, and days go by without a single reply. When the occasional reply is posted, it’s already too late, either because I’m trying a different approach to solving my problem, or because I already figured it out, except for the issue explained in this thread, which I have not been able to figure out yet. Since I’m new to WP, I made the mistake of bumping it once (without knowing the full implications of that action, since I was not aware of the consequences yet).
    I know that support staff here works pro bono and I also know how many threads are posted every single day, which is why I’ve been trying to help around from the very first second I joined (despite of the ungratefulness of certain posters that don’t even thank you for your help or don’t keep you posted about the results).
    I would like to finish this post with a suggestion: since bumping posts is keeping posts outside of the “unanswered” list, why not set a filter so as not to count the OP’s posts as “replies”? There are a lot of people out there that do not know how WP Forums work all that well on the inside, or that forget to mention something on their first post (link, issue, detail, etc.) and post more information in a new post right after their first.

    despite of the ungratefulness of certain posters that don’t even thank you for your help or don’t keep you posted about the results

    I certainly don’t need a thank you, but would like to know if solutions work or not. It stinks to answer a problem and the op never comes back.

    As for bumping – realistically – don’t 99% of forums have rules against it?

    forget to mention something on their first post (link, issue, detail, etc.) and post more information in a new post right after their first.

    I don’t know of any mods that consider new and helpful info as a bump.

    Also, I don’t answer threads when I don’t have a clue – like your link above. :>)

    Hi Samboll, thanks for getting back to me on that.

    I certainly don’t need a thank you, but would like to know if solutions work or not. It stinks to answer a problem and the op never comes back.

    You’re right. I don’t “need” a thank you either. It was just an example of the lack of courtesy and appreciation (from users) I’ve been witnessing in the Forums since I became a member. Although, I have to admit the “thank you” WAS a little too na?ve of me, wasn’t it? ??

    I don’t know of any mods that consider new and helpful info as a bump.

    I think we misunderstood each other here. I was referring to what one of the users mentioned earlier about the “No Replies” section and how some contributors use that category to skim through unanswered posts. So, unless that category works with some sort of filter, it would not be able to separate “bumping” from “new information”, since it would automatically not include all threads with more that one post. Am I getting it right?

    I don’t answer threads when I don’t have a clue – like your link above.

    That’s ok, don’t worry about it. I know it’s pretty complicated. However, since I have your attention, could I ask you to delete my second post so my thread is visible in the “No Replies” section again? I still have hope that somebody might be able to help me (am I being na?ve again?)

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  • The topic ‘Ignored Topics/Issues’ is closed to new replies.