• Thank you so much for creating such a great plugin, it has certainly been the most useful thing for managing comment replies.

    I was wondering if there may be an option for an “ignore” function as for me this would be useful as I allow track backs which appear in the comments list as needing a reply. Given I do not need to reply to these it would be great to be able to have the ability to ignore them so they disappear from the “missing reply” list.


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  • Ah, that’s a great idea. Excluding trackbacks didn’t occur to us, but that should be pretty easy to take care of.

    I will add it to our todo list.

    Thread Starter Cath


    Thanks Pippin.

    Also, after replying to a bunch of comments yesterday, ignoring comments would also be good as I had someone reply to one of my replies which of course means it is now in the list. So the comment thread doesn’t keep continuing, it would be good to have the ability to select comments to ignore.

    Really what we need is the ability to mark a comment as replied to, even if it technically wasn’t.

    Hi Pippin

    This is one of the most useful plugins I’ve found for WordPress and I appreciate any support you give us here!

    I am having a similar issue with trackbacks. The only way to get rid of them from the missing reply section is to reply to them and then trash the replies.

    One of the readers of my blog also got in touch with me about the plugin. I had recommended it on my blog a few weeks ago.

    She has guest posts on her blog and usually both her and the guest authors respond to any comments made. However, she wouldn’t expect the guest authors to respond to her comments to the commenters and these are now building up in the Missing Reply folder.

    Having the ability to mark a comment as replied to, even if it technically wasn’t would certainly help to sort this out for both of us too.

    Thank you for your help.

    Yes being able to either mark comments as replied to or being able to filter out pingbacks and trackbacks would be great !

    Hi All!!!

    I Think the easiest way to filter trackbacs is change this line:

    // create link
    		$status_link	= '<a href="edit-comments.php?comment_status=all&missing_reply=1" ' . $current . '>';

    By this line:

    // create link
    		$status_link	= '<a href="edit-comments.php?comment_status=all&missing_reply=1&comment_type=comment" ' . $current . '>';

    Simply add comment_type=comment to the end of the url filter to get all comments not replied to.

    It works for me!!!

    Regards .. ??

    I’d like to add my voice to the desire for an “ignore” function—I must have nearly 80 comments I don’t need to reply to clogging up my “not replied to” section.

    Thanks for this awesome plug in ??

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