I’m running bbPress and I notice that when I put a video in a post, using an iframe, WF flags that as a possible XSS attack. When I then “allow” it, what gets put on the allow list appears to be specific to a single URL. In other words, I need to allow it individually for each new post.
This is not exactly a problems, as other users of the site are not posting videos. But there are some things I’m not clear about:
(1) My login and IP address also appear on the allow list. Is only that one user and IP being allowed?
(2) What else, other than iframes, might be disallowed in a post?
(3) Is there a way to “allow” this type of thing (like and iframe from a specific source) generically, if I should need to do that, rather than URL by URL.
(4) I’ve looked at:
https://www.wordfence.com/help/firewall/learning-mode/Is there any other documentation that gives more details than those pages?
Thanks very much,
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