• Resolved kassupassu



    Am I doing something wrong.

    1) I have radio buttons “Yes” and “No” (fieldname5)
    2) I have also one numberfield (fieldname2)
    3) Then I have calculation field (fieldname1)

    I need a formula which I’m going to describe next.


    That is easy part and It’s working. The problem is that if you choose “No” the calculated value must be 0 <= X => 2400. If you choose “Yes” the value must be 0 <= X => 4800.

    It’s OK, if calculator can’t calculate value between numbers. But it’s necessary that value not going to be over 2400 on “No” and not going to be over 4800 on “Yes”.

    I tried something like below, but calculator doesn’t work, so I’m doing something wrong. Everything is on Calculate field at “Set Equation”.

    If I need to use javascript, where I’m going to place the (function?


    Best regards;

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @kassupassu,

    There are some issues in your current equation, but its implementation is really simple, and there are multiple alternatives:

        var max_value = 4800, additional = 200;
        if(fieldname5 == 'No')
            max_value = 2400;
            additional = 100;
        return MIN(fieldname2*0.5-additional,max_value);

    another alternative would be:

    MIN(fieldname2*0.5-((fieldname5 == 'No') ? 100: 200),((fieldname5 == 'No') ? 2400: 4800))

    Best regards.

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