• Hi,

    I need a custom form, including one field for user to input 4 digit code given him/her earlier. All together there’s app. 30 predefined codes. User inputs the code and will be redirected to certain page. Every predefined code redirects to different page If the given code is none of those 30 prebuilt codes, user will have pop up with help. Not any kind of emails are not needed at this point.

    Any ideas of suitable plugins? Or other ways to make it work. No programming skills ;-).

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Most likely, you will not find a ready-made solution. But your functionality is very simple and is done in one evening. To simplify the work, you can also use any form plugin, for example, it can be QuickForm. This plugin has a special customPhp field. But you will need programming skills.

    Moderator bcworkz


    I’m sure I’m missing something about your proposed scheme, but your predefined codes don’t sound any different than page URLs. Instead of giving out these codes, why not give them the URL straight away? If we better understood your overall concept instead of part of the mechanics involved, someone might be able to propose a non-coding solution.

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