If statement with an If statment
I know this is silly, but perhaps someone can guide me in the right direction. What i’m looking for is a way to determine if I am on a certain page within the If Statement.
Here’s an example of what I’m trying to do (which obvious won’t work but just to give you an idea) this is within a function:
if (is_page( array( 11, 21, 30 ) )) { echo "<ul> <li" . if is_page( 21 ) { echo 'class=\"current\"' . "><a href=\"/about-us/management-team/\" title=\"Management Team\">Management Team</a></li> <li" . if is_page( 30 ) { echo 'class=\"current\"' . "><a href=\"/about-us/our-partners/\" title=\"Our Partners\">Our Partners</a></li> </ul>"; } else if {...
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