Okay I fixed my footer problem. Just shifted the endif’s to sit outside my closing content div.
For those who don’t really understand php and if statements, much like myself, this is what I did to generate a breadcrumb trail in my Pages and sub-pages. It took me the better part of four hours to figure it out. While some may snigger and smirk, because it took me so long, I feel rather proud of myself for accomplishing what was, to me, extremely difficult. I know Zip about php, other than what I’ve learned here @ WordPress by using the template tags and studying templates and themes.
So in essence, four hours was nothing, right? Anyway, this is what I did.
I created one Page = Reviews
I created sub page= Romance
I created 11 sub-sub pages = various sub-genres
I wanted a breakcrumb trail that would pick up the “category” name of my sub-sub pages, as well as the title of my Page.
Because I don’t know that much about php or if or is satements… I hand coded the first part of my breadcrumb trail into my template to cover the inital bc link trail:
Reviews (main Page category)
Romance (first sub-category)
Then I created a If Statement to find the category name of the first Sub-Sub-Page = Anthologies. I duplicated that if statement to also find, if applicable, the category name of any other Sub-Sub-Page category of Reviews/Romance (main parent/s) when viewing a page post.
I inserted the
<?php the_title(): ?>
tag at the end, so bascially my breadcrumb trail looks like this:
Home || Reviews || Romance || Anthologies || Dark Warrior (title of page/post)
The good thing about this, and the if statement, is that I made a Review template (main Page cat) and left it blank at this point (this will eventually display current month reviews as link list). I also created Romance Template (first Sub Page Cat, which is also presently blank but will also eventually display top 10 links for each sub-genres as teasers) and finally, I made one generic template Sub-Genre for ALL sub-sub page posts.
And Voila.
One fully functional working “Category” breadcrumb trail. If anyone has a better way of doing this, I will be greatly interested.