• HI, I have a wordpress Multisite.
    It has a Global admin and unlimited no. of sub admin.
    Now I want, if Global admin upload a section or form or something, the same should be reflected in all sub admin.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by anurup.
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  • Hello @anurup

    By sub-admins, I would assume you somehow set the multisite to allow unlimited admins on your network; if that is so, that would not be a good idea for many reasons.

    Either way, if you refer to uploading to the Media Library and sharing with subsites and admins, you will need something that allows you to share media through a network. There are a few plugins that can accomplish this. Unfortunately, I cannot suggest any, but a quick search should return you enough results to research the one that better fits your needs.


    Moderator bcworkz


    Try “Broadcast”. I’ve no personal experience with it, I found it via search. It sounds like what you’re looking for.

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