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  • it is advised not to edit twenty eleven directly, but rather create a child theme and make any edits there.
    it is important to have an unedited default theme in case of theme problems; also, customisation of twenty eleven will be overwritten with the next upgrade of your wordpress version.

    could be caused by the fixed height in:

    #branding {
    	border-top: 2px solid #bbb;
    	padding-bottom: 10px;
    	position: relative;
    	z-index: 2;
    	background: #eee url( no-repeat;
    	height: 150px;

    in case you were trying to change the height of the header image, change these values in functions.php:

    define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', apply_filters( 'twentyeleven_header_image_width', 1000 ) );
    	define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', apply_filters( 'twentyeleven_header_image_height', 288 ) );

    Thread Starter Mac Man


    Just been looking more closely… client was running browser in ‘compatibility mode’.

    Turn that off and bingo… looks fine.

    pesky clients.

    Thread Starter Mac Man


    Just out of curiosity… what should I have changed in the functions.php values?

    pesky clients.

    how many of the client’s customers are running IE and don’t know of the compatibility mode?
    for instance, i saw the issue in IE7.

    question1: have you created the child theme?
    question2: is there a good reason why you added the fixed height to #branding? (if not, remove it)

    what should I have changed in the functions.php values

    only if you want to redefine the header height – change the value of 288 to something smaller.

    Thread Starter Mac Man



    No… I didn’t create a child them. I’d done some work on the template before realising I should have done that. (Doh!)

    TBH… I can’t honestly remember why teh height was added to teh #branding. I think it was to do with the logo at the top.

    I’ve taken it off… doesn’t seem to affect the logo at all.

    Is compatibility mode off as standard with IE9? I honestly can’t remember if I’ve switched it on/off on my laptop as I never use it, except for testing.

    Thanks for the help.

    the site now shows without problems in IE7.

    Thread Starter Mac Man



    hello mac man ,

    please contact me , i have few questions regarding ur website that u made using wordpress . i am also making a similar one and have questions regarding the logo in the header part .


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