• Hi all! ??

    I know, there are many topics about IE and sidebar-problems. But I couldn’t find the problems I have right now, so I hope you don’t mind another topic about this subject. ??
    I am, to put it friendly, not the greatest IE-fan. ?? I personally use Firefox, IMHO much better. But well, I have to see how my site looks in IE once in a while. And since there’s a new version, I decided to download it…
    So I opened my site…

    And “Oh my goodness!!!!” ?? :S

    The sidebars are totally screwed up! On the left, lost of links don’t work anymore. On the right, there’s just a whole section missing! You can see it at https://www.natuurleuk.nl

    Now, I’m totally clueless how to solve this. You see, my site is about nature, for people who love hiking and animals and stuff… and 50% of my visitors uses IE. So it’s important I do solve it.
    So, my question to you experts out there: pleeeease help me! What should I do / change / fix?

    The theme I’m using is “cordoba green park”, I have lotsa widgets, and well, spent hours and hours tweaking my website, not understanding what stylesheets really do and how to read php. ??

    Thanks so much for reading this and helping out a newbie!

    Greetz, Constance

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  • Thread Starter natuurleuk


    Uh… yeah… I don’t understand what that means I’m afraid. :S

    Thread Starter natuurleuk


    I added some kind of doctype-thingie in the index.html now… don’t have a clue what it does… but the problem isn’t with index.html… it’s my blog that won’t show the sidebars in IE7 in a normal way like in Firefox! So I guess it must be the stylesheet / a widget… but I really don’t know how to solve it! So suggestions would be very welcome! ?? Many thanks in advance! ??

    erm. this is surprising.. am not able to see ur site. as in, even outside the frames, i cant see the blog.

    is the site down?


    Looks like a problem with the display of the frames and the frameset. I can go directly to https://www.natuurleuk.nl/wordpress/ and see the site both in IE6 and FF2 just fine. Might be an issue with IE hacks that will still work in IE7 but aren’t needed – thus you have to make up your mind whether to use the hacks in the stylesheet for IE6 to look right – or remove for IE7 to look right.

    Thread Starter natuurleuk


    Thanks for the comments!

    @ ektz: indeed, my site (well, the frontpage) was down, I did something stupid. ?? It’s now up again though! ??

    @ herschwolf: I’m sorry for my newbie-question, but uhm… what are hacks in a stylesheet exactly? *blush*

    Nice weekend to all of you, Constance.

    Thread Starter natuurleuk


    *kick* ??
    Anyone? I know it’s a newbie question… but what is a “hack” in a stylesheet?

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