IE problem
hello, I’m just new in web developing and the first time that I finished a website using wordpress, I’m not using any theme, I created my own … yes I’m finished.. “BUT” when I open my wbsite in IE, wow!! my website is look like a wall street vandalism, no arrangement at all, the pics are not in a proper place, fonts are so big, the header logo is missing all elements are floating with each other.. I’m so frustrated now. I don’t know how to deal with it.., I searched for a solution for my problem, I found creating an argument like this
target all IE<!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="iestyle.css" /> <![endif]-->
I don’t even know where i’m going to put that, even I tried.. but the my webpage is still using the style.css.. Before I put that code inside the <head> tag.. I copied my style.css and renamed in to iestyle.css and deleted the code just to make sure if the argument will work … but just like what I said, it didn’t work. .what should I do? Is there any solution for this?
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