• I.E. seems to have a load of float bugs, each with a different fix. I’ve read many websites with fixes for many bugs, but I can’t seem to find any information on the problem I’m having.

    My website is https://www.slashjoke.com

    On the main page, in the center column, I display an image (or two) based on the catagory(s) of the post. The image(s) are floated left with the following code:

    .catimage {
    float: left;
    width: 40px;
    height: 31px;
    position: relative;

    The “position: relative” is there to counteract the ie “peekaboo” bug. (otherwise the images hide behind the background color)

    In Firefox, everything looks fine. In IE the second image (if there is one) is shifted down about 10px, and then the text is shifted down another 10px.

    I pulling my hair out. Anyone have any ideas?

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  • This is the infamous IE3 px jog. Caused by two contigious floats which both go in the same direction. Left in this case.

    Idle curiosity question, Lorelle: how on earth do you keep all those nifty links at your fingertips? I’ve bookmarked every one of them at one time or another, but never seem to be able to find them when I need them – either for myself, or to reply as you have to someone who needs direction. I have bookmark categories, yes, but still they seem to get buried….

    What sort of organizational model do you use?

    I just have fast fingers, steel trap memory, and a good text editor that I keep open 24/7 – I use it to work on my site’s template files, but I take a lot of notes while I’m working, so I created a list of sites for ME – and only ME – but then, all these sorry folks with all their pleading and begging for help….I took pity on the poor souls and started sharing my little list.

    That meant I had to clean them up. Poop. It was nice when it was a jumble, but now they have a purpose so I had to clean them up. Damn those greedy little beggars forcing me to clean up my resource list!

    Actually, because I help with the documentation on the WordPress Codex, along with some other very nifty folks (I love rubbing shoulders with brilliance, you know – and it helps me figure out what the hell I’m doing with WordPress) who volunteer their time and energy at producing incredible documents for WordPress, I know where all the good stuff is, so I can find it and grab it quick.

    As I finish writing up all my own frustrating details and self-discovery and masochistic tendencies that came with converting to WordPress, I’ll post my resources…don’t worry. I like to share.

    I really have GOT to find some time to mess around in the Codex! If I could just get this one major site rework done (a national site for special needs children, still back in the ’90s version – nested tables, font tags – ewwwww….. and thousands of differently-styled pages to try to “template-ize”, I WISH I could use WP but it’s not that sort of thing *SIGH*), I might have time for fun stuff again….

    I like your text editor idea. I may give that a shot myself, because it’s bad enough when I KNOW I know a place that will help someone and can’t find the reference, almost worse when the “someone” needing help is ME!

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