• I would like for WordPress to detect the browser. If the browser is IE6 or IE7, I’d like for a pop-up to warn the user “there may be problems with functionality do the browser you’re using. we recommend updating your browser with the current version of yada yada…”. The user can chose to close the notification and continue browsing or click to download the latest version of the browser they are using.

    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Use a plugin for IE6 IE6 – WordPress Plugins if you need it, though IE6 use is down to around 5-10% now. If your code and site has problems with IE7, then it should be fixed to work with IE7, as it is still the dominant version of IE. If you simply want to chase people away from using IE7, then I think you’re simply going to loose site viewers. Why show a nag screen to the majority of your visitors?

    Thread Starter zelionprime


    I’m a bit of a noob but i can work my way around to an extent. The main problem i’m having is the drop down menu is not aligning properly. Instead of dropping down directly underneath the category link, it’s over to the right, far over to the right and honestly, i don’t know how to fix it. Any ideas?

    For warning msg :
    place this code in any place :
    for ie conditions:

    <!--[if gte IE 6]>
    <p>You're using old Internet Explorer V6, pls upgrade.</p>
    or place your code her
    <!--[if lt IE 7]>
    <p>Hm. You should upgrade your copy of Internet Explorer.</p>
    or place your code her
    <!--[if gte IE 8]>
    <p>You're using a recent version of Internet Explorer.</p>
    or place your code her
    <![if !IE]>
    <p>You're not using Internet Explorer.</p>
    or place your code her

    For the menu, as i do and some times it work :p
    duplicate the selector you use, exemlpe:

    .menu  {
        height: 180px;

    and add “_” to let IE to do ur commande:

    _.menu  {
        height: 50px;

    or try to add !important;

    .menu  {
        height: 180px!important;


    Good luck

    @taghaboy: it’s considered to be good manners in the forums to not jump into threads of those who are currently helping posters.

    First, check you code with the W3C validator: https://validator.w3.org/ You might be missing closing tags that are affecting the menu.

    Does your theme have IE specific style sheets? For IE6? and IE7/8? If so, those are the places to work with problems, esp. if you’ve edited the theme. Look in your theme folder for stuyle sheets like ie6.css, etc. Look in your theme docs.

    Thread Starter zelionprime


    Song, thanks for the advice, i’ll work on that today. Also, not to be rude, but I don’t think Taghaboy is rude. I need all of the help I can get lol.

    Thanks guys!

    Thread Starter zelionprime


    Taghaboy, can i email you style.css sheet so you and see what i’m looking at?

    Songdogtech, I just checked an no there is not IE specific style sheets.

    Then check your code with the W3C validator: https://validator.w3.org/ You might be simply missing some closing tags that are affecting the menu. If you really want help, post your site URL so people can look at the code.

    Thread Starter zelionprime



    Ok, i’ll do that now and here’s the site. mysacoupons.com

    Look at your code errors in the menu: [Invalid]Markup Validation of mysacoupons.com – W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. You can ignore the unencoded ampersand errors. You’re also loading the main style sheet twice.

    Here is a new plugin with covers your (and maybe others ?? ) problem:

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