leejosepho, i’m glad this was helpful and that i’m not the only one struggling a bit to make sense of all this :)!
and sami keijonen, from what i’ve read, internet explorer is a real drag (to say the least) for web designers/developers so i totally understand. but, as of feb 2013, it seems that IE 8 was still the world’s most popular browser (https://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/03/01/internet-explorer-continues-growth-past-55-market-share-thanks-to-ie9-and-ie10-as-chrome-hits-17-month-low/). even if that data isn’t totally accurate (which the comments suggest), it seems hard to give up on it completely quite yet, especially for non-profits. for now at least, it’s great to have this solution. so thanks again!