• Something I would really like to see as a plugin for wordpress is a plugin to allow a mailing list to be run.
    Would only need to be a simple, and i think it would be easy to make.
    There are many stand alone mailing list packages, but it would be cool if there was a plugin that would allow the mailing list to be integrated as part of wordpress admin interface.

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  • I’ve modified a WordPress MU plugin to allow the admin to send a mass email to all registered users. I didn’t bother with letting people opt in, that’s part of registering on the blog. it’s very simple and it’s only tested on WP 2.0.1

    download it here: massmailer.php



    the interface for massmailer is pretty simple. i wonder if there’s a way to add a tag to embed the posts from the last XX days, so i could send a weekly digest showing the titles for that week’s posts…
    something like Mailing-List plugin, but to be sent with user intervention, not automaticaly on every post

    Anybody yet have a mailing list plugin that allows users to subscribe to a daily or weekly digest instead of being notified every time a post is made?

    Magics afore mentioned Plugin allows you to do this. You have a little box you can check if you want to notify the mailing list or not of a new post. So you may want to tell about one post and not another.

    The rest of the time you can use the mailing list as a weekly digest, just as you requested. You can specify user
    groups, mail to one person or a whole segment of your list.

    Best way is to have a look for yourself.

    It’s up to version 3.01 and I love it.

    How do you set it to an auto digest? I think that’s the ticket — I see you can write a mass email, but that doesn’t help take the work out of it. Is it possible to use Scott’s WP Chron mixed in with this mailing list? Subscriber2 is not advanced enough for what we’re looking for, but mailing list is darn near perfect, the digest is all that’s needed.

    The user intervention part is controllable with this plugin, and there are two separate ideas here. bradyjfrey wants the digest to happen automatically – that would be a separate modification to the plugin.

    The embedding tags concept of dbasulto is another section that would need modification.

    Both are feasible – but currently the plug in does neither as part of it’s functionality.

    But what I meant to say that a manual weekly new digest is possible currently – however it requires cutting and pasting the post links and snippets, not I suppose what you wanted to be doing.

    BUT… there is no requirement to notify users of every post. It can be used as a pure mailer under your control.

    Sorry if I got confused.

    Perhaps MagicG could add this as a feature – I’m sure it would not be hard for him to do – if there was enough demand.

    Hope that clears up what I meant. But nevertheless this is a great plug in – really well made and integrated into wordpress.

    Alors, MagicG, vas y! I am sure there is demand for such a plugin – as I am looking exactly for this feature!

    And what I am also looking for some documentation to your plugin… Can I find some anywhere?

    Have there been any new developments on the newsletter/mailing-list front? I would gladly donate for a a newsletter-plugin where you can send a daily/weekly digest to a mailinglist.

    In the meantime, I tried feedburner and feedblitz, but it’s not really what I need as you can’t really customize your mail…

    All of my subscribers make an account through wordpress – i have all of that integrated, so i was wondering if instead of having everyone put their email into a “newsletter signup” box or something similiar, the plugin would just automatically send it to everyone that was subscribed to the blog.

    hey MagicG, your plug-in is great! But just one problem when using Microsoft Outlook:
    When recieving an email it looks like this:

    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

    ——-=f4e28b68d43cb718863c4fa7775e1740 Content-Type: text/html; charset=”UTF-8″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit test ——-=f4e28b68d43cb718863c4fa7775e1740–

    For some reason it only does this in microsoft outlook … any ideas why?

    Well i would really love to have this as a function on my website when i goto the options i recieve this error message

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /html/wp-content/plugins/subscribe2.php on line 407
    any ideas

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