ID attribute
Yes if you have single hash anchor links on a page, an element with the ‘id’ attribute does get highlighted, and after further investigation the ‘name’ attribute exhibits strange behaviour but different to ‘id’.
# id example
Name attribute
Although at first I thought the ‘name’ attribute was working as normal, not all is right with it, click on this example link and then click the ‘resolution’ anchor link. First time you click ‘resolution’ the anchor links to itself and highlights the anchor link, then if you click again it takes you to the correct position in the page, but if you scroll up it still highlights the anchor link instead.
Plus (+) in text
I’m also noticing that if you have + signs in your text which are included in the fragmention link, the fragmention will not work, here’s a fragmention example with + in text. I guess this is to be expected though, since fragmention replaces space between words with a + in the url.
Single hash (#) behaviour
I think something is not ignoring single hash anchor links, since this example looks for the 1st mention of ‘fro’ in the text rather the correct position.
I’m also using the fragmention chrome extension, if you turn this on and off the text remians highlighed at the top of the page but the anchor link takes you to the correct position.