• Resolved esencial


    I’ve been struggling with wp-mail-bank plugin, because it didn’t update the plugin table register. Eventually I realized that the register ID wasn’t equal to 1, so that it never could perform update properly because there is a requirement in the code stating that ID field value must be 1.

    I’ve fixed it performing minor changes in the table, so ID field won’t be auto-incremental on the time of creation, but it defaults to 1, since that table will never hold two records. So, table creation code would be:
    $sql = “CREATE TABLE “. wp_mail_bank().” (
    from_name VARCHAR(100),
    from_email VARCHAR(100),
    mailer_type INTEGER(1),
    return_path INTEGER(1),
    return_email VARCHAR(100),
    smtp_host VARCHAR(100),
    smtp_port INTEGER(5),
    word_wrap INTEGER(10),
    encryption INTEGER(1),
    smtp_keep_alive INTEGER(5),
    authentication INTEGER(1),
    smtp_username VARCHAR(100),
    smtp_password VARCHAR(100),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
    ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci”;

    Fixing the issue because field ID always equal 1.


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  • Plugin Author Varun Sharma



    Thank you for your Suggestion.

    We noted down your request and had forwarded it to the Development Team.

    This will be get implemented in future release.

    Thanks & Regards

    Support Team
    Tech Banker

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