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  • Plugin Author Matt Keys


    Your screenshot looks like the backend/admin area of the site.

    Are you saying that you are using something like acf_form() to allow editing of fields on the frontend of your site?

    Thread Starter priiiiiinz


    Yes I used acf_form() function to display the form on the frontend. Actually, the icons works when submitting a new form but when editing the recent submitted post the icons won’t work anymore.

    Plugin Author Matt Keys


    Okay I understand. Thank you for the bug report. I am currently on my way out for a bit of much needed vacation so I will have to circle back to this bug when I get back. Please feel free to check in with me later this month just in case I forget!

    Not 100% sure if this is the same issue: but several of our sites have updated to 1.7.1 and are no longer displaying the icons > the icons are displaying in the ACF Field groups… just not their returned values on output… which from memory is set to ‘element’.
    We will try and find a quick fix via CSS.
    The fields where originally created in ACF version 4 > then updated to ACF version 5 Pro
    Please let me know if you require any further details.

    It appears that the ACF field isn’t returning an element – just the class name ie fa-home.
    Where as the previous element output was <i class="fa fa-home"></i>

    I thought that it might help if I posted a sample of the ACF output code: or at least it might assist in diagnosis

    array (
    	'key' => 'field_534f63e18bf91',
    	'label' => 'Icon',
    	'name' => 'id-client-centre-social-icon',
    	'prefix' => '',
    	'type' => 'font-awesome',
    	'instructions' => '',
    	'required' => 0,
    	'conditional_logic' => 0,
    	'column_width' => '',
    	'default_value' => 'null',
    	'save_format' => 'element',
    	'allow_null' => 1,
    	'enqueue_fa' => 0,
    	'fa_live_preview' => '',
    	'choices' => array (
    		'fa-adjust' => '? fa-adjust', etc…

    Plugin Author Matt Keys


    Thanks dj.cowan,

    I am still playing catchup a bit from being out on vacation earlier in the month; but I hope to get back to this soon and will look into yours and priiiiiinz’s issues.

    Plugin Author Matt Keys



    I setup a test today using acf_form() to show acf fields in a form on the frontend. I was not able to reproduce the issue you were seeing. I tried displaying an existing value, savings the form and reloading the page, viewing logged in as an admin vs anon. If you are still experiencing issues, can you put together some steps to reproduce, maybe even a zip of a test environment I can use to diagnose? You can send files to me through my site contact form.


    I also was not able to reproduce the issue you are seeing, although I did not test 4.x fields being upgraded to 5.x, which could potentially be the issue. If you re-save the post/page with the ACF fields on it, does the problem go away?

    Thank you for getting back to us.
    Saving/Re-saving the Post/Options Page has no effect.
    We might try re-importing the exported ACF php as an ACF field group and see if that addresses the issue.

    Unfortunately re-importing the exported php had no effect.
    A few more details:
    The Font Awesome field is a sub field in a repeater field group.
    The field group is being displayed, and the values set on an ‘options’ page.
    Thanks for continuing to to try and resolve this issue.
    Our options at present are to rollback the plugin to pre 1.7 and modify the version number in the plugin file to stop the plugin auto updating.
    We are concerned about doing so – security, compatibility etc…
    If you can suggest an alternate work around, we would be most appreciative.

    Plugin Author Matt Keys



    Do you think you would be able to provide me access one of the sites having this issue so that I can diagnose it directly?

    Either temporary admin access to a hosted site, or a zipped up archive of a site that I can setup locally would work.

    If so, you can send me those details privately on my sites contact form:

    I think we have a cloned version of the site floating around somewhere. Not 100% sure how “authentic” its state is, but I will see what we can do.
    As always, appreciative of your willingness to take a look.

    Plugin Author Matt Keys


    Thanks dj,

    I have access to the cloned site now, however I do not see any Font Awesome fields in use in your ACF field groups. Are you able to setup a quick demo of the issue on this cloned site?

    Hi Mattkeys…
    The ACF fields are included via a plugin. They were exported as PHP and get included on activation of the plugin. We can re-import the fields from the json files, and will do so at the earliest opportunity.

    ACF fields imported back into clone site as requested. Please let us know if you require any further information.

    Plugin Author Matt Keys



    I took another look and I am able to reproduce your issue, but only with the fields that are already there.

    If I create another font-awesome field, also inside a repeater, also on that tab of the options page, it works normally.

    As far as I can tell, this must be some sort of artifact from the upgrade process from 4.x => 5.x.

    If you can provide me a zip with a backup of all the files and the DB I can investigate in more detail much easier on my local environment.

    Some potential workarounds:

    • Erase and recreate the fields
    • If that doesn’t do the trick, erase and recreate the fields with new names
    • Open up the DB and find/erase any data in the postmeta table that is from these fields
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