I figured out the placement options. Showing after posts is my problem, not yours, but
I have images in a lightbox which I’m not sure I can attach a social button, but it would be nice.
The buttons don’t respond to a single action no matter what option I take so it only provides a choice dialogue is there a way to make it a single click option? Example: Only “like” when pressed without navigating to the dialogue choice.
The message to be tweeted on twitter is weird for me I guess the #topic needs to be inserted by me or the user. The oddity is that the post contains a link to the template and other meaningless stuff I can’t attach a picture. It has the template and full URL of the site as code as well as the plugin information, and some other stuff like that, and the image is a generic book. In short nothing from the post gets pulled up, so what’s the point of this?