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my theme icons will not load after I just tried to change them
thank you
Just went to theme… “services” sidebar widget
Please give me a moment while I check.
I’m still here. I’ll be with you shortly.
Since you’re using a third-party theme Ildy that we did not create, please note that we don’t provide direct support to it, we’re happy to take a look and guide you through the basics, but if there are further troubleshooting needed, we may have to refer you to their theme support so they can check and provide more insight.
Are you referring to this section here? (see screenshot): https://d.pr/i/9bPpdh
Can you please tell us where you created the front page with this section? https://d.pr/i/9bPpdh We are going to take a look!
here on wordpress in the cusomize button for theme look
km back
i am back
Checking this now.
i select the icon and hit save or update and nothing happens
also when i try to load the most recent theme update it says failed folder already loaded
From https://socialnavigator.net/wp-admin/customize.php > Widgets > sidebar services: https://d.pr/i/Gl721e can you please try to add an icon and save?
yup does not work
how do i ad screenshot
Here’s a step-by-step guide to taking a screenshot – https://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot
Then upload the image to your Media and let us know once it’s there so we can take a look.
ok… it is there
get a red NOT symbol that shows up when you try to pick any icon
and again FYI… also when i try to load the most recent theme update it says failed folder already loaded
Thanks for giving that a go.
Let me check your site for errors, one moment please.
I’m still here. I’ll be with you shortly.
Can you please refresh your site and try to add the icon again?
Let us know if it was saved or not/
ok will try
Looks like you’ve navigated away from our chat. I will be closing this chat window for now. We’ll be here if you need anything else!
just lost battery power… i’m back
Hi, Hi, welcome back!
btw… it did not work
I see, thanks for checking that out.
We can see that you’re using the latest theme,and although we don’t see any errors in the theme, we are not sure why it’s not saving the icons.
We suggest you reach out to the theme author at:
OK… posted issue in WP theme area