Hi Josh,
I am done with the Spanish translation. Just 3 things I would like to share with you after working on this:
– There are few spelling errors in the original file I am not able to change in Transifex, please find them below:
‘Check out eac setion to see how it all works, then add some content and start sending emails!’
Should be:
‘Check out each section to see how it all works, then add some content and start sending emails!’
‘Thanks for trying out SendPress. Their is a little bit of setup to do before you can start sending emails out. If you follow the steps below you will be up and running in no time’
Should be:
‘Thanks for trying out SendPress. There is a little bit of setup to do before you can start sending emails out. If you follow the steps below you will be up and running in no time’
– Regarding the CAN-SPAM strings, I have translated them as they are written in English, but maybe would be useful to include there the corresponding legal notice according to the Spanish law (LOPD), or (even better in my opinion), just leave it as a generic field for a legal notice in the original code. I guess that should be responsibility of the plugin user anyways, and laws change as fast as pluging versions sometimes…
– Finally, I would like to send you a comment about the two strings you find on the top and bottom of the message body: “Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.” and “Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe Instantly”, which was the origin of this discussion I think.
I really believe would be much more practical to let the user choose the way to write that and where to place it in the message, by providing just the field for the links.
At least in Spanish, depending on the type of newsletter, this can be written in a formal or colloquial way, (usted/tu) and it is really part of the communication strategy, or at least should be consistent with the rest of the text. You must treat the reader the same way from the beginning till the end of the message to be grammatically correct. This problem doesn’t exist in English, but may happen in other languages I guess. And anyway, I believe there should be more formal ways to say that in English too, so the user should choose, this is part of his email.
On the other hand, I receive tons of emails everyday, and, I have to admit, I delete most of them without open them, just because my inbox previews the the first line of the message. So if I read “Is this email not displaying correctly?…”, and the subject is not interesting, I don’t even open it. this line could be placed somewhere else or even been removed if the email has no pictures and looks ok as plain text.
Well, is just an opinion, thank you!