I want to sort the Gallery
I want to sort the Gallery
I want to sort the Category
I want to sort the order of ID Category
Thank you for your question. I want to make sure I understand what you want to do. I am travelling until 17 February and my access to the Internet is limited until I return home, so thanks for your understanding and patience.
When you write “sort the Gallery” do you mean the Media/Assistant admin submenu, or are you using the
shortcode to compose a gallery for users to see on the front end?When you write “Category” do you mean the WordPress “Category” taxonomy or do you mean something else, such as a column of the Media/Assistant submenu screen? When you write “ID Category“, it looks like you want to sort the Media/Assistant submenu table by the item/attachment ID. If that’s right, you can try this:
- Navigate to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab.
- Scroll down to the “Table Defaults” section.
- Click on the “Order By” dropdown and select “ID/Parent” from the list.
- Select “Ascending” or “Descending” in the Order option.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes” to record your new settings.
I hope that helps you get the results you need. If I have not understood your question, any additional information or examples you can give will help me be more specific. I will leave this topic unresolved until I hear back from you. Thanks again for your patience and for your interest in the plugin.
Thanks for your update with a link to the screenshot, which shows the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) submenu and the MLA Bulk Edit Area on that submenu. It looks like you are using the Att. Categories taxonomy to assign “ID Category” values; is that right?
When you write “sort the Gallery” are you using the [mla_gallery] shortcode to compose a gallery for users to see on the front end? If that’s right, sorting the gallery display on Att. Categories terms is not directly supported in the current MLA version.
A single Media Library item can be assigned to two or more terms in the Att. Categories taxonomy. In your screenshot, you could check the “0” and “2” boxes, assigning both terms to each item you upload. There is no one right way to sort and display items that have multiple term assignments.
If you intend to assign exactly one value to each item you can use a custom field instead of a taxonomy. If that would work for you I can give you more specific suggestions on how to use MLA to manage and use a custom field for your application. Let me know if that is of interest.
It has been a month since the last post in this topic. I assume you have found a solution to the gallery sorting part of your application.
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the topic. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.
Hallo David,
thanks for your continuing work on this great plugin.
I am learning to use it with great profit every day.Even before reading your suggestion, I had come out with a solution for sorting a gallery on a taxonomy term by copying the term to a Custom Field: “Anno Sociale” in my case.
My mla_gallery shortcode is
[mla_gallery mla_style=bordato mla_markup=con_titolo post_mime_type=all meta_key="Anno Sociale" orderby=meta_value ...etc... ]
This is working, however when I forget to run “Map All Attachments” from my Custom Field Mapping Rule in “Media Library Assistant v2.25 Settings”, (therefore the “Anno Sociale” custom field would be empty or non-existent) the media image or document does not get selected.
By the way, my Mapping Rule is such that the “Data Source” is [+terms:anno_sociale+]
the “Option:” is text and “Delete NULL values” is unchecked.I was expecting to see the media attachment even when the custom field is missing in the item. Since my editors don’t always care about running “Map All Attachments”, is there another way around?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
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