• The following sentence has just appeared on my product page: ‘Combination of product variants is not available’. I want to remove it without removing the variations, and I want to keep my ‘Buy Now’ button. Have I clicked something by accident for this sentence to appear? How can I get rid of it?

    Many Thanks


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  • I’m just investigating this, wpsc-default.css now has this line:

    .default_product_display .is_variation,
    .single_product_display .is_variation {
    display: none;

    So my guess at the moment is that it’s been added in a recent update; and we need to add that to our custom themes …?

    I assume that it’s there so that message will show up if you select a combination of variants which has no stock – but I’ve just tried this and the message does not show up; and more worrying is that the ‘Updating Cart’ graphic shows up and it never completes – so trying to buy a variant which has no stock results in an endless loop of ‘updating cart’.

    I’m still running on the live sites, and they display a notification of ‘Product out of stock’ in the cart widget when you try to add an out of stock item.

    Do a Google search for “Combination of product variants is not available” in quotations – there are a lot of sites displaying this !!

    sonic1243, do you check to confirm that wpsc-default.css is being loaded with your other css?

    Hi Pye, yes but of-course my wpsc-default.css is out of date now, as it has been moved into the custom themes folder it no longer gets updates.
    This is only affecting the product listings, not single product pages.

    But then that applies to wpsc-products_page.php as well – if you have a custom theme then you have moved that file into the themes folder; and is no longer updated by a plugin update. So I don’t understand…

    This line is new to WPEC, in wpsc-products_page.php, and wpsc-single_product.php:

    <div id=”variation_display_<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>” class=”is_variation”><?php _e(‘Combination of product variants is not available’, ‘wpsc’); ?></div>

    I’ve just got that from the WPEC default theme folder, it is not in my custom theme unless I add it to my versions of wpsc-products_page.php and wpsc-single_product.php (in my themes folder)…

    So I don’t understand why that message shows up when using custom themes that don’t contain that new line?! *confused*

    I checked a few of my sites and the way I have it setup is that the wpsc-default.css is always loaded from WPEC. An additional css is loaded specific to the theme using ‘theme-name’.css.

    The extra load is probably wasteful and should get coded out, but at least it picks up the changes to wpsc-default.css.

    Now how do I remove those lines, I just don’t understand as I cannot find the words in the code…

    Well… I am happy to report that it CAN be done! Through much trial and error, and a little help from a ‘grep’ tool; I found several places in the wp-e-commerce plugin code that has this message. I found that no matter WHAT combination of variants I used (whether simple or complex), that I got this message displayed on my product-page. I happen to use ‘grid-view’, and if you use list-view, or single-product view, er some other way of displaying your products; then you’ll need to modify a different file than described below (although all these files should be in the same directory).

    I found my offending file in ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php. My biggest clue on what file was being used was to examine the page-source for my Products Page. Anyway, look through this file for a line that contains this string:
    <?php _e('Combination of product variants is not available', 'wpsc'); ?>

    I just used an HTML ‘comment’ to take this code out.

    The whole fix:
    1. Rename the existing file at ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php. and rename it to ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_viewOLD.php.
    2. Comment out the php that generstes this message.
    3. Save the modified file as ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php.
    4. FTP your modified file back up to your site, or make your edits on your web-host.
    5. Reload the Products Page. Mine worked perfectly, with no side-effects.

    matthewwdgeorge, that fix worked for me as well, thank you for posting it.

    I might add that if you have moved your wpsc files to your current theme (Settings/Store/Presentation – Advanced Theme Settings) folder that you would have to make these adjustments to the wpsc-grid_view.php file listed under /wp-content/themes/your-theme/ instead of the default location that you mentioned.

    This was my problem until I realized that I moved these files.

    Nice fix.

    By Commenting out do you mean deleting? I found the code, but when I remove it, the words are still there. Urgggg

    Hello isay81,

    If you open up wpsc-grid_view.php on line 119 you want to replace this code:

    <div id=”variation_display_<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>” class=”is_variation”><?php _e(‘Combination of product variants is not available’, ‘wpsc’); ?></div>

    with this code:

    <div id=”variation_display_<?php echo wpsc_the_product_id(); ?>” class=”is_variation”><!–…–></div>

    I hope this helps.

    thank you Jlc500K This didn’t work. I actually paid for premium support. They fixed it.
    Here is what they did, so that no one else has to pay for a fix on the plug in they paid for:

    In Grid view when you look at a product with variations it shows a text message:
    “Combination of product variants is not available”
    I tested and the same message exists in the single_product theme file too but there its hidden by wpsc-default.css

    Inside wpsc-default.php we have:
    .default_product_display .is_variation,
    .single_product_display .is_variation {
    display: none;

    i`m not sure exactly how when is that message supposed to “show” but for me i replaced above code with
    .default_product_display .is_variation,
    .single_product_display .is_variation ,
    .product_grid_display .is_variation{
    display: none;

    and that hides the messages in grid mode too.

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