Home / Themes and Templates / I want this layout!!
19 years ago
Its possible to find a layout like this?
I need really!
Using k2 ( you should be able to do this, ask on the forums and they should help ??
Thanks jmd’, but i have 1.52 version, and k2 need the 2.0 .
Anyone? Theme Designers, guru of wp, help me! I make some donation for this.. ??
lotan, i can make it but do you need it styled and all or only rough div containers? and whats your budget like ..
This one from the WRC Theme viewer looks pretty close to what you want, just needs a few minor modifications.
i need only rough div containers, dear friend (i’ve appreciated your new theme, very nice), and, if you want, you can make me a proposal for your fee in my private email!
gianluca (at)
@msadventures – Thank you so much for this! (What a wonderful world ?? )
I’ll design you a new one for around $50. Email me at Jporadek @gmail com for more info.
[moderated: stop typing your mail!]
@jporadek – You’ve a mail!