Thank you so much Tobias, that is very helpful!
I installed this extension and the content is hidden now, then I changed
$( '.dataTables_filter' ).find( 'input' ).on( 'keyup', function() {
$( '.dataTables_wrapper' ).find( '.tablepress' ).toggle( '' != $(this).val() );
} ).keyup();
$( '.dataTables_filter' ).find( 'input' ).on( 'keyup', function(e) {
if( 13 == e.keyCode ) {
$( '.dataTables_wrapper' ).find( '.tablepress' ).toggle( '' != $(this).val() );
} ).keyup();
and updated the php file, but the search result still comes out without pressing ‘Enter’ key.
I am using Chrome, and I tried IE 9 as well, that Enter-key function doesn’t work.
I have another question, I know you are very busy but I will very appreciate if you can help: how to remove ‘Showing x to x of xx entries (filtered from xxx total entries)’, or just in which file I can find them.
Thank you for your hard work, this is a brilliant plug-in. I didn’t know there are quite a few extensions, I will explore them later on.