• Is that possible? I’m a fast thinker/writer/clicker-on-the-buttoner…. I want a dialog that comes up to say “Which category do you want to post this to?”….

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  • Thread Starter vkaryl


    YOU get my vote for “tweaker of the century”! THANK YOU. I am now reminded right where I need to be (which is what’s wrong with the post-it solution: it’s one of those after-a-while-you-just-don’t-see-it-anymore situations….)

    May you live long and prosper greatly, moshu!

    Thank you kindly ?? and welcome. Glad to be of help.
    [which century? LOL – I’ve lived the longer part of my life in the last one]

    Thread Starter vkaryl


    All of them! [93% of my life was in the last one too….]

    You forgot the you moron!!!!! I think I may have to tweak your code a bit!!!

    Too funny.

    Thread Starter vkaryl


    Ah – but I put it in on my page when I “fixed” it….

    Thread Starter vkaryl


    moshu, I just want you to know that your fix is the single most useful thing I’ve added to wordpress. Period.

    Thanks again!

    Javascript confirmation box would be good.

    Click on the publish button and the comfirmation box ask if you have choosen the correct catagory. If yes, then proceed to publish. Else, abort submission.

    Let me see if I can tweak the button abit

    Thread Starter vkaryl


    That would be good too, danielck – I just don’t “do” js myself, and a big (48pt!) bright red “YO MORON”etc. works for me….

    Well, here is what I have done:

    I edited wp-admin/edit-form.php at line 62

    ‘<input name=”publish” type=”submit” id=”publish” tabindex=”6″ style=”font-weight: bold;” value=”<?php _e(‘Publish’) ?>” />’


    ‘ <input name=”publish” type=”submit” id=”publish” tabindex=”6″ style=”font-weight: bold;” value=”<?php _e(‘Publish’) ?>” onClick=”javascript:return confirm(‘Have you select the right catagory for your post?’)” />’

    When you click ok, the post will be published. If you click cancel, nothing will happen and yu can amend the category.

    Works really well danielck. Thanks!

    A really useful tweak. thanks, danielck!

    Thread Starter vkaryl


    Well, that’s just cool, danielck! I am going to have to learn a bit of coding eventually I guess – just look at the useful things a bit of js can do! Thanks to both you and moshu for helping out the local “blond AND senior”….

    Hi, I applied the Javascript exactly as danielck suggested, but I get no confirmation box. Why is that? Has anyone else had problems with the javascript? This would be incredibly useful if it worked. Can someone please suggest why it might not be working? Thank you so much.

    Just in case anyone else did the same mistake: I figured out why the javascript wasn’t working. I needed to edit the ‘edit-form-advanced.php’ file not the ‘edit-form.php’ file.

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