Hi kisscodes1909,
You can use conditional Critical CSS for that purpose and leave the global Critical CSS blank. The Critical CSS condition to select is is_front_page().
We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way that he did.
We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).
The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.
– no previous warning
– no communication until now
– moderator expresses angry attitude
– my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
– the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
– I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
– I was providing quality free support
– I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform
If you need further support, please post your question on Github: