• Josuha Clinard

    I am fed up with the administration of this board! I have tried and tried and tried to get them to install a board software that actually works! But they simply will not listen. So, since I cannot edit my posts, I demand that all of my posts be deleted immidiately. If my posts are not deleted within 24 hours I will take further action.

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  • Joshua,
    If your concerned about personal info attached to posts, you can simply log in, then click preferences. You can change the information to whatever you want.
    If you included personal information within a post, that is another issue.
    I really don’t see any of the people who frequent these forums going and threatening someone. Let alone your life, for the most part posts tend to actually stay on topic here.
    If you have made similar harsh/irrational remarks on other forums, it would not surprise me if people did go out of their way to add you to spam lists. My e-mail and other information is public on these forums. I have not once received any kind of threatening or spam e-mail that links back to these forums.
    I also agree with tcervo, posts should not be willy nilly deleted. You can however go and change your preferences so they don’t include personal information. It’s more than ok to lie about who you are on a public forum. Actually, I think it is probably fairly universally recommended to do so.
    If you have problems with specific users on the forums, Nuclear Moose has offered to help sort them out. This is a growing community and nobody questions the fact that there are kinks in the system to be worked out.

    That last post was really unaamiga ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Sorry to hear you’re being harrassed. If you actually posted database passwords, you can change them – changing the admin password (md5 encoded) needs digging into phpMyAdmin but shouldn’t be hard, this has been discussed on other threads. As for knowing the location of WP admin files, this should not be a security issue because the PHP parser will just turn them into an empty html document. Anyway, unless you hack your WP up, people can tell where the admin files are just from the fact that you’re running WP, so I don’t see how posting this info here adds any risk.
    Or am I missing something here? Anyway, HTH.

    I just e-mailed allusion, maybe he will take care of it this time. I asked him to delete several threads in question, including this one.

    At the risk of sounding petulant, I don’t want _my_ posts deleted just because they’re in a thread you don’t like. This whole discussion will serve as a good point of reference that I can link to in the future about

    • the importance of sanitizing data before you post it to the internet
    • an example of how not to behave (namely: making grandiose _demands_ that someone else correct your short-sighted mistakes)

    I agree with skippy.

    I don’t want my data deleted also…………even thought this is the only post I put on this thread. People are trying to help. Let them.

    Why do people reply to these posts when I have an important question about my dstat2 plugin not working properly?! I want all these replies deleted NOW, god damn it! or I will be forced to take further action, as well (even though I’m not sure as to what those actions will be)

    I don’t think there are any faults in this that could not have been avoided with judgement, especially in the posting of sensitive information.
    Unless you posted your street address, social security number, blood type, etc., you really have nothing to worry about. Your website probably gives more information than you’ve posted here. If you posted your login information for WP, you can change your admin password by going to Profiles after logging in. If you posted your login information for your web host, contact them and I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to help you change it.
    Common sense (not that it really is) tells us that one shouldn’t post sensitive information ANYWHERE on the intarweb unless it is passworded/encrypted, and even then be wary, and certainly not in public forums.
    I don’t see how wanting to remove personal information from a public board is wining.
    Ignoring the whining part (more of demanding but that isn’t the issue), you should re-read that line you stated in response to Mr. Anonymous and take it to heart. One should never post personal information to a public board.

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