I was not clear in my first post and thanks again for your response and this advice. I originally wanted to work on the site without debuting it live. I know there’s a way to do that without doing it this way but someone suggested this and so I designed it via the IP address not realizing this is what would happen now. (I have another site with 800 posts and I’m not sure how that’s going to go when i want to make it live. At least, I can practice with this one that does not have much material on it.)
Regarding the functions.php altering it in Filezilla — I’m worried about changing the code in the wrong section. Although I guess I could change it back.
It says to insert code “after the initial ‘<?php’ line.”
The first time this appears is under theme comments such as this — <?php comment_class()
then — <?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 40 ); ?>
should I be looking it for it to be standing on its own as JUST <?php
or is this first one the one I should enter the code after?
Thanks for the clarification and advice.
Oh and am I misunderstanding what you wrote? Do you think I can just change it on my wordpress dashboard or do I need to do a number of steps… that is what my host company told me — that I need to do this in a specific order. So I’m understanding that I need to do this other step and then do the change in the Settings. If I could just make a simple switch of course that would be optimal.
(site is https://savethegeese.net)
<?php comment_class()