• I run a Word Press site for a charity – UtahUlsterProject.org. I’m not very experienced, but I do basic stuff for them. I saw that the site needed some updates, so I logged in yesterday.

    It asked me to upgrade to the latest version of Word Press, so I did and it seemed to have gone fine.

    Then it asked me to update 3 plug-ins – I don’t remember which ones, but I don’t think Word Fence was one of them.

    I also was asked to set up the new configuration of Word Fence with the firewall and I said no because I didn’t understand it. I think I did that right before I updated the plug-ins. The 3rd plugin that was to be updated failed, which had never happened to me before and now the whole site is down. Can’t log into it, can’t see it, it just says “The utahulsterproject.org page isn’t working”

    Did it crash the site because I said no to the Word Fence update or what? I wasn’t sure if that third upgrade failed because the site was going down, or if that plugin was what broke it? I don’t even remember which one it was.

    Like I said, I’m a pretty beginning user, so I don’t know what to do to bring the site back up. Fortunately, I have a full backup copy stored in an Updraft vault, but I don’t even know how to get to that with my site completely down.


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  • Hello adrianscrazylife,
    Sorry it took us so long to get to your request. I can’t tell you what caused this because there may have been any number of reasons. It sounds like your server is throwing a 500 (Internal server Error).

    To find out what is causing it, you should check the error logs on your server. Usually it’s possible to see these via an administration console that your web host provides. Otherwise you can also ask your host to check them for you. If you need help interpreting the logs, feel free to share them here. You can remove any identifying information from them if you like.

    Thread Starter adrianscrazylife


    Thank you. My support guy should be available tomorrow and I’m hoping he can straighten it out. Thanks!

    I just saw your post, and I am in a similar situation.

    Did you get your error resolved? I would love to know how.

    I just ran updates on my site, and it crashed.

    Now, I have this message, and I’m absolutely lost:

    Warning: include(/homepages/46/d134450314/htdocs/app532493707/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/onpage/class-onpage.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/46/d134450314/htdocs/app532493707/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/vendor/composer/ClassLoader52.php on line 186

    Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/homepages/46/d134450314/htdocs/app532493707/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/onpage/class-onpage.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php5.5′) in /homepages/46/d134450314/htdocs/app532493707/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/vendor/composer/ClassLoader52.php on line 186

    Fatal error: Class ‘WPSEO_OnPage’ not found in /homepages/46/d134450314/htdocs/app532493707/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/wp-seo-main.php on line 353

    Any advice would be helpful…
    [email protected]

    adrianscrazylife & aprilmdolata,

    I had the same problem. I had automatic updates on in WordFence, so the plug in, WordFence auto updated. I woke up to a client complaining that their site was down. I was able to bring the site back by renaming my plugins folder. This loads the site without the plugins. (At the time I did not know what plug in broke the site) I systematically activated each plug in until I reached Wordfence, and the site crashed again. I renamed the WordFence folder and my site appeared. Apparently WordFence was not compatible with the older version of WordPress I was running. I really like WordFence, it’s a great firewall, so I upgraded to WordPress 4.5. – Same problem. Today – I tried again, thinking the latest release had fixed it, but the install failed. I really hope WordFence addresses this. I am patiently waiting.

    I just thought I would share my experience with you, so you know that your site is not permanently damaged. It’s an easy fix if you have access to the root directory.

    Thread Starter adrianscrazylife


    aprilmdolata – I wish I could help you but I haven’t a clue. Maybe one of these smart people on the site could help you.

    JoanFX, that is a brilliant idea. I just sent it to my support guy to see if he wants to try that.

    Thanks so much!


    Hello aprilmdolata,
    the errors you are getting relate to this plugin so I suggest you ask for support there.

    there could be any number of reasons why a site crashes so it’s hard to say how to fix it without more information. To find out the reason could you check the servers error logs and see what they say? These are usually available via your web hosts administration panel. If not you could ask your host to check them for you.

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