I sync via a feed plugin instead (necessary for my prods) but orders wont sync
I sync via a feed plugin instead (necessary for my products due to attributes) but I can’t figure out how to get orders to sync
I have productID as the main id in my feed..
I had to write a script to even acknowledge my orders (which I did by doing the following)TOKEN=$(sudo -u bitnami -i -- wp eval 'echo facebook_for_woocommerce()->get_connection_handler()->get_page_access_token();') for i in $(curl -s -X GET -G -d "state=CREATED" -d "access_token=$TOKEN" https://graph.facebook.com/<MYSTOREIDHERE>/commerce_orders | jq -r '.data | map(.id)| join(" ")') do fborder=$i wooorder=$(sudo -u bitnami -i -- wp wc shop_order create --user=<myusernamehere> --customer_note="facebook order $fborder" --transaction_id="$fborder" --status=pending --customer_id=0 --shipping={"excerpt":"facebook order $fborder"} --porcelain) UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) curl -X POST -d "idempotency_key=$UUID" -d "merchant_order_reference=$wooorder" -d "access_token=$TOKEN" https://graph.facebook.com/$fborder/acknowledge_order <trimmed extra stuff I have in my script, such as getting shipping info and product info into the woo order> done
but I currently have to manually update the tracking # on each order, and it’s fairly tiresome to do at our volume, and cancellations are a bugger as facebook sees the integration IN PLACE..
I’m hoping you can give me some direction on how to overcome this, and force order sync to happen via the plugin without enabling product sync, even if I need to write some custom hooks to update my products in a certain way, or update something internally to get around this..
Additional note: I checkout on Facebook, which is a second reason I need this help, as it doesn’t appear the plugin lets me do that natively.
Direction, not coding support, is what I’m looking for – I’m fairly technical to overcome whatever hurdles may be there, but a kick in the right direction would be welcome.
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